2. Working Out
3. Cleaning My Room
4. Eating Healthy
5. Waking Up Early
Homework- I can improve this by not waiting to the last minute every time I have something due. Also by putting homework first and making sure I do not stop until it gets done every time.
Working Out- I can improve this by actually getting myself out of bed to work out. Sometimes I am just so lazy and do not feel like working out at all but I know I need to no matter how I feel.
Cleaning my room- I never want to clean my room because I feel like its the least important thing I have to do. I can improve this by setting a time when all I do is clean my room everyday.
Eating Healthy- It is so easy on campus to not eat healthy. The main thing I need to work out goes back to working out, because if I work out like I should, I can eat more stuff.
Waking Up Early- This is the hardest thing for me to do. A way I can and will fix this next semester is putting important classes early in the morning so I have to go to them. This will also help me out because I will get done earlier in the day. Which will give me time for a nap.
In my life the person that has the greatest deal of discipline is my roommate Hayley. All the things I listed, she does everyday and I learn so much from her and how to better myself with self- discipline because it does not come easy to me like it does for her.
I am accountable for my homework is the main thing. And making sure it gets done properly and on time, that is the most important thing to me. The other things can fall in to place but school is work is number one and always will be. I feel that I am accountable to my parents because they are the ones paying for my schooling, so I do not want to come up to college and blow off my studies and school work because that would be wasting their money.