Thursday, December 3, 2009

Staff/Team Development

A good team is made of many different things. The most important thing in my opinion is trust. You have to have trust with your team. When trusting a member of your team with a responsibilty that affects the whole team is a major thing. A good team also works well together and is honest with each other. You can not be a good team and not be honest with each other. You have to be able to tell someone when you don't like something or when you do like something because it affects you too. 

A way for a team to get better is by working together more. Some people are really good team players but some on the other hand are not. Like everything else in life working as a team takes practice. You just have to work together away before you can get the three main things to be a good team which are trust, working well with each other, and being honest like I stated before.

A team is successful usually when there is a common goal and the whole team strives for that goal together. No matter if it is sports or student council a team is only as strong as their weakest player. So making sure no one is left behind and the goal gets completed is the main thing that makes a team successful. 

There are many different ways to turn an unsuccessful team into a successful team. One way is motavation. I know in highschool when my dance would not be doing so well in practice and at games, we thought we were unsuccessful. When our coach would give us motavation, which usually was something along the lines of saying other schools dance teams look better then us. It really helped us because we would try to prove people wrong and we became a successful team and finished out our year very strong.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


1. Homework
2. Working Out
3. Cleaning My Room
4. Eating Healthy
5. Waking Up Early

Homework- I can improve this by not waiting to the last minute every time I have something due. Also by putting homework first and making sure I do not stop until it gets done every time.

Working Out- I can improve this by actually getting myself out of bed to work out. Sometimes I am just so lazy and do not feel like working out at all but I know I need to no matter how I feel.

Cleaning my room- I never want to clean my room because I feel like its the least important thing I have to do. I can improve this by setting a time when all I do is clean my room everyday.

Eating Healthy- It is so easy on campus to not eat healthy. The main thing I need to work out goes back to working out, because if I work out like I should, I can eat more stuff.

Waking Up Early- This is the hardest thing for me to do. A way I can and will fix this next semester is putting important classes early in the morning so I have to go to them. This will also help me out because I will get done earlier in the day. Which will give me time for a nap. 

In my life the person that has the greatest deal of discipline is my roommate Hayley. All the things I listed, she does everyday and I learn so much from her and how to better myself with self- discipline because it does not come easy to me like it does for her. 

I am accountable for my homework is the main thing. And making sure it gets done properly and on time, that is the most important thing to me. The other things can fall in to place but school is work is number one and always will be. I feel that I am accountable to my parents because they are the ones paying for my schooling, so I do not want to come up to college and blow off my studies and school work because that would be wasting their money. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Your Mission

I am at my best when I am around people that care about me and that I care about..
I will try to prevent times when I am stressed upset about things that are out of my control..
I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can work with other people and not do all the work myself..
I will find enjoyment in my personal life through being with people i love to be with my friends and go out and have a good time. My friends are very important to me..
I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as dancing, being a good friend, writing papers, reading people, and running..
I can do anything I set my mind to. I will dance in the New York City Ballet..
My life's journey is is like a roller coaster. I do not know where it is going or when I am going to get off. All I know is it has lots of twist and turns, ups and downs..
I will be a person who My brother Corbin. That I was a caring person, and he had respect for me..
My most important future contribution to others will be I am someone they can always count on and know will always be there for them..

I will stop procrastinating and start working on:

I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life:
  • Good leader
  • Respect
  • Strength

I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life:
  • Stay fit.
  • stay true.
  • Keep a good attitude no matter what.
  • relax.

Monday, November 9, 2009

OU Mission

The mission statement of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research, and creative activity, and service to the state and society. 

I think that most students at OU are living the OU mission statement, including myself. I try everyday to take full advantage of all OU has to offer me. The University has done a very good job at creating resources not just for new freshman but also for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. There really is so much to do here. At a University the most important thing is having good teachers. There are excellent teachers and staff here, that will help students in any way they can. The University touches on so much in the state and in the society. What happens on the campus does not just stay on the campus it goes all throughout society and the state. I think that OU is living out their mission statement very well as far as I have seen. I do not think much things need to change because as far as I have seen OU has made the best educational experience for me so far and I would not change a thing. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Who's who

Since I was not here in class for the who's who brunch, I am going to write about my friend that just passed away. The reason for why I was not in class last Thursday. 

My friend Barry Danfourth passed away on last Sunday. He was 23 years old. About three years ago his sister passed away in a car accident,  since then he has never been the same. I know myself I have no idea what I would do without my brother in my life. Everyday is hard to think that he is not here anymore. That I can not just call him whenever I have a question to ask him. Or I will not see him when I go home and go somewhere. I still have wishful thinking that I will go home this weekend and he will be there, but I know he won't. He has taught me that even through the hard times you have to keep your head up. He really was one of the strongest guys I have ever met in my life. He is missed not just by me but by many people. 

He has impacted so many peoples lives because he really was the sweetest and most caring guy I have ever met. He would go out of his way to say "hi" to someone and make them feel comfortable where they are. It should me how loved he was by everyone when I saw how many people came out to see support what is left of his broken family after the terrible incent. I wish everyday that he was still here, but I know that where he is he is happy and with his true love, his baby sister. 

The best advise I can give to other freshman is live everyday like it is your last. You honestly have no idea what might happen tomorrow. Also another thing is not to judge anyone because you never know what they are going through and what is going on with their life.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Leader-in-the-Field Interview

For the Leader-in-the-Field Interview i chose to interview Monty Hightower.  Though I do not have a major in mind yet, I know I would like to go to Law School. That is why I chose a Lawyer to Interview.  He is a lawyer at his own firm.  When I asked Mr. Hightower what type of lawyer he was he smiled and said, "Lets just say I am a general practice lawyer."  He has been a Lawyer for many years, he would not tell me how many years because he joked that "it would admit myage" if he told me.  He did tell that "you are not a skilled lawyer till about the fifth year of practicing law, so I am a very very very skilled lawyer.  After that you can usually chose your cases and clients you would like to represent and who you think it worth representing."

Mr. Hightower attended college right here at the University of Oklahoma where he majored in Finances. He had no idea he wanted to be Lawyer.  He said "Being a Lawyer never crossed my mind when decided my career." He went to work at an oil business right after he recieved his undergrad for a couple years.  That is where he decided he wanted to go to Law School.  At first he still did not know if he wanted to be a Lawyer or just have a law degree and go into different areas of Law.  He soon decided that he wanted to be a Lawyer.  Mr. Hightower went back to the University of Oklahoma for the second time and enter into their Law School. 

The hardest part for Mr. Hightower in Law School was the first year.  He said "After the first semester really, of Law School it gets easier.  The next 5 semesters seemed a lot easier for me because you got to choose what classes you liked and what figure out what type of Law you would like to practice."  The one thing that Law School taught him that was not in the books was "Law School was just a totally different world. It was a new way of teaching. They asked a lot of questions, which were no right or wrong answers to, you had to learn through those questions. We did so much talking to get us ready for the real world. Where we would be in the court rooms." "I figured out very quickly that not everything is black and white, especially not the Law." He always said that "It was different having teachers wanting your opinion about something." He told me that there is one test in Law School. You either pass or fail it.  All thru Law School Mr. Hightower worked as a clerk in a Law Firm. He said this helped him a lot because it made it familiar with different cases,being in a court room, and working with clients. He worked during all three years of Law School. "It is recommended that you don't work your second and third year of Law School, but I had to do what I had to do and I do not regret it." When I asked him if he ever had any doubts while in Law School, he said, "Well of course I did, I do not think your human if you don't have some doubts in life. I remember sitting down plenty of times with my former wife, and discussed if this really was a good idea, or if I should go back to work and save money, my answer was always no. I really did and still love the study of Law."

After Law School Mr. Hightower said "It was not that hard for me to find a job, I moved back to my hometown, it really was no biggie." His first job after Law School was at Stacks and Barnes. It was an Oil and Gas Law Firm. He said "In my opinion small towns are better for practicing Law, especially for someone who is just starting out, like I was." When talking about his first year of practicing Law he said "The first year, or maybe even the first couple of years, I took whatever cases I could. It was a good way to get my name out there." He said he is glad now that you is able to chose what cases he wants and what cases he does not want to take. "It gives me more time for my family now that I am at a point of where I can take what cases I want, Its a good reward for working so hard for so long." 

After my interview with Mr. Hightower, I still think I would like to enter into Law School after I get my undergrad.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Future At OU

I know the four years I will spend at OU will go by so fast. During my time here at OU I see myself being very active in my sorority, Alpha Phi. I always would like to get involved with the Panhellenic Association here at the University. I hope that maybe my junior year I can be represent my chapter at Panhellenic meetings and events. I love my chapter very much and want to be involved with them as much as possible. I know when we have elections for next years offices I will for sure want to get involved with that, though I do not know exactly which office I would like to run for. 

I would always like to get involved with the lead team because that seems like it would be so much fun. I love things like that. I just worry that I wont have enough time to get involved in leadership things here at OU. 

Another thing I can see myself doing at OU is being involved in the pre-law club and events. After my four years at OU I am hoping that I will get into the Law School here at OU. I think being in a pre-law club would really help my interest grow. 

It is hard to say what I would do at OU if I could do anything because a major thing for me is that I have to have time to do everything. Sometimes I wish that we could only have classes every other week so I could actually get the other things done I have to do outside of classes.


Attitude plays the most important role in accomplishing group tasks. If you are in a group of people working together it is hard to get anything done if even just one person has a bad attitude. Being negative and having a bad attitude can bring the whole group down, and nothing would get accomplished. Attitudes are very contangious. If someone has a bad attitude it is easy to rub off on someone else, especially if the person is being mean to the other it will make them be in a bad mood and have a bad idea as well. On the other hand having a good attitude can make the world of difference especially while working with others. If just one person has a good attitude they are much easier to work with and other people will much rather work with them then the person with a bad attitude.

Someone that has influenced me because of their attitude is my student council teacher in high school, Mrs. Mesvery. She always had a good attitude which made me actually want to go to her class because of all the good energy that was in the room. I had so much respect for her mostly because of how positive and uplighting her attitude always was. It made me want to do things and get more involved. Sometimes I would go to her class and be in the worst mood but by the end of the short hour she would have either made me laugh or lift me up in some way to make my day better.

"Our Attitudes are Our Most Important Assets" I believe this statement is so true because our attitudes are so important. Like i said earlier they control so much, like how other people see us and feel about us. No one wants to work with someone who has a bad attitude, but people will line up to work with someone who has a good attitude just because it is more pleasant. As leaders having a good attitude is very important and will help every single person get further in life.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Problem vs Challenge!

In life I like to think of things as a challenge more then a problem. Ever since I can remember my dad has always told me that there are always going to be bumps in the road nothing will ever be perfect. As I have gotten I have realized that more and more. I think of the bumps in the roads as challenges more then problems. There are always going to be things that go wrong, you just can not worry about every little thing. When things go wrong it is easy to freak out and overreact over a problem. But if you just take a step back and look at the situation it might be easier to overcome then you think. I know firsthand that overreacting because of a so called "problem" does not make anything better, it actually makes it a lot worse. 

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Letter from OU

Dear Lawton High School Seniors,
The best advise I can give any of you is just to have fun and enjoy your senior year because it only happens once and you can never get it back. Another thing that I am so grateful for that I did my senior year is apply to college early. I applied to OU in September and got my acceptance letter in November. I was so glad that I applied early because I didn't have to worry about it all year. When some kids were stressing about where they were going to college and about applying, I already knew and was set. It makes your senior year a whole lot easier. Make sure to watch out for deadlines especially with your senior paper. Deadlines will sneak up on you out of nowhere they sure did to me. You also have to make sure to keep your grades up all year and watch your grades all year. You don't want the end of the year to come where all the fun is like prom and senior week and you being stuck worrying about your grades and trying to bring them up at the last minute. That would not be fun at all. But again just make sure to enjoy your senior year and have fun! It only comes once in a lifetime! 
-Taylor Burgess

Bystander Behavior

I know in my life I have been a bystander many times even if it was just a little thing. One situation that stands out in my mind about me being a bystander lately is a little thing but still me being a bystander. When I check my email and I have an email from someone in my Understanding Dance class which has like 150 people in it. That says something on the lines of "I have missed classed and wonder if anyone could email me the notes we took in class." I always seem to just ignore and delete the email. I always think that someone who knows the person better will email them the notes and help them out. Now I really do wish I would have stepped in and helped them out. Since I have been sick and missed so many classes I know how they felt when they needed the notes. I know how stressful it is to miss classes and I really hope someone would step in and help me. I think college students do not speak up against wrong doing because it is just easier to think that someone else will do it and fix the situation. I know that is how i felt. 

Monday, September 21, 2009


In high school my main priority was dancing. Everything else just fit around my dance team and my dance studio. Since I came to OU and I do not dance anymore my priorities have changed a lot. In high school I never really had to worry about my grades because I never tried hard and still got A's. Now that I am in college I have to constantly think about my grades and homework. It has been a big change to actually have to study for hours for a test or take over a week to write a paper. Another priority that has always been a big priority but I have not gave it much thought but now that I live away from home I realize how much my family does mean to me and how important they are to me. I Never thought that I would miss them as much as i do now. 

Monday, September 14, 2009


In my life 3 women have influenced me the most; my aunt Woogie, my grandma, and of course my mom, they are the strongest women i know. They are always able to see the good in the bad and keep me motivated in every way possible.

I have always been influenced to do good mainly because i always want my family to be proud of me. I never want to let anyone in my family down so i always try to do my best in everything i do, whether it be school, leadership, or just being a good person. An example of something that influences me is that when my grandma was younger she had polo and was in a full body cast for 2 years but she never gave up hope on getting better. Her strength that she had always makes me want to make her proud. Since graduation this really hasn't changed, just because i am in a different town then my family i still want to make them proud.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All About Me!

My name is Taylor Burgess and I'm 18 years old.
I blow out my candles on November 29.
My family is very important to me.
I have an older brother named Corbin, his 21.
Im a proud member of Alpha Phi!

I've danced since i was 3.
I have 19 boy cousins and 1 girl cousin.
My dogs name is Max, I got him on my 9th birthday.
My family makes fun of me for how much i text.
My bestfriend/boyfriend name is Brandon Bryant.

My favorite color is green.
I have more guy friends then girl friends.
Im a girly girl.
Im addicted to gossip girl.
I dont know what id do without this little boy.